Monday, October 10, 2011

I am back...oct 2011

my golf game is coming around, so is my life. What i choose is what i choose. I just have to make better choices and be more aware. LOL. dancing with the stars is a hoot. Carson the gay pirate dancer. Len said "like childbirth...horrible when it's happening, great when it's over...".

What could I be doing other than this? What do I choose? More later.

Wake Up !...

"Snap the spell. Snap it now. Become aware of what happens as it
happens. Notice the expression on that man's face, the tone of
your voice, the color of that teacup, the position of your left
arm, that flashing thought. Bring yourself back to yourself. There
is good reason for it."

The Power of Your Supermind, p. 145......Vernon Howard