Monday, May 19, 2014

In From The Rough 05/2014

Here I am again. I have learned alot since the last post. A lot about golf and how to play it as scorer. A lot about Life. Since May of 2013, my three new golfers in the works have been here. They are the Joy of my life. I have been learning alot from them. Hopefully they are learning from me. Well I am off to inventory my golf clubs so can post them on here.

Monday, October 10, 2011

I am back...oct 2011

my golf game is coming around, so is my life. What i choose is what i choose. I just have to make better choices and be more aware. LOL. dancing with the stars is a hoot. Carson the gay pirate dancer. Len said "like childbirth...horrible when it's happening, great when it's over...".

What could I be doing other than this? What do I choose? More later.

Wake Up !...

"Snap the spell. Snap it now. Become aware of what happens as it
happens. Notice the expression on that man's face, the tone of
your voice, the color of that teacup, the position of your left
arm, that flashing thought. Bring yourself back to yourself. There
is good reason for it."

The Power of Your Supermind, p. 145......Vernon Howard

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Random Early Morning Thoughts

Well there isnt a lot of early morning TV shows that are worth a crap. So I sit here and play online free poker and hone up for the real deal. Sometimes it seems the pot that I get out of, I would of won if I had stayed in. But I did my best at the time so it is all good. It happens. But it is all about learning how to play poker. I have been reading poker strategy sites and guess what...?? Poker is the next addiction added to my list. So Life, Exercise, Golf and Poker.

I think that all four are helping me with the thought processes of me. Maybe I just more aware when I am thinking of them.

"Is it two good cards to start with?" "How much will I bet to see the flop?" "What player seems to be having a hot run?"

"Is it a good lie?" "What is the best shot I could make from this position?"

So many thoughts to have...analytical. So many feeling to take into consideration...intuition, ask the Self 2 what it thinks?

Watch my ego and dont let it lead me into frustration.

The bottom line is to have fun. WTF?


I dont know if it is the vitamins I take  or what but I sometimes have the most violent bloody dreams, and I had one tonight when I slept.

Then when I was waking up from the dream in the in-between zone, it was like I had a story line going off in my head about an evil man who was about to get hanged.

The man looked down at the crowd and shouted "I can see the pearly gates!!" The crowd booed,  then trap door was tripped, and the new rope stretched then jerked, breaking the man's neck and sent the man to Hell."


I got to go and take my vitamins...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Online Poker Tournament

I played in an online first level qualifying tournament of Zyanga free online poker today. Buy in was $2k per person, with 1k being played. There were 9 players.

The first hand was bizarre, with the player to my left betting 1k, and the whole table, excluding me, followed. The player to my left won the whole pot...7K. That left just the two of us playing. "He" had 8k and I had 980 in chips. Kind of a mismatch on the number of chips, but like Doyle Brunson says "All ya need is a chip and a chair."

Three hours later, I won the qualification match. LOL "He" was not happy at the outcome. I was however.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

another type of forged blade

I came across this site and they have forged blades as well.

I think that it would make a great self defense tool.