Thursday, August 19, 2010

Random Early Morning Thoughts

Well there isnt a lot of early morning TV shows that are worth a crap. So I sit here and play online free poker and hone up for the real deal. Sometimes it seems the pot that I get out of, I would of won if I had stayed in. But I did my best at the time so it is all good. It happens. But it is all about learning how to play poker. I have been reading poker strategy sites and guess what...?? Poker is the next addiction added to my list. So Life, Exercise, Golf and Poker.

I think that all four are helping me with the thought processes of me. Maybe I just more aware when I am thinking of them.

"Is it two good cards to start with?" "How much will I bet to see the flop?" "What player seems to be having a hot run?"

"Is it a good lie?" "What is the best shot I could make from this position?"

So many thoughts to have...analytical. So many feeling to take into consideration...intuition, ask the Self 2 what it thinks?

Watch my ego and dont let it lead me into frustration.

The bottom line is to have fun. WTF?

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